Set Interaction Data
- The 'Set Interaction Data' Activity provides the ability to assign a variable that can be used inside the same workflow as well as outside the Workflow. Using this workflow you can use one workflow variable in other events workflows.
- After opening the 'Set Interaction Data' activity, you will get the below configuration panel.
Default Configuration Parameters:
- Property : The name of the variable being created. This name will be used in the Workflow to reference the variable.
- Enter Value : The definition or expression that describes the variable. Note that evaluated expressions, such as ANI, must be contained by curly braces { }. When using the Interaction Variable’s value within other Activity logic, the variable will be contained by curly braces. For example, the Value Expression: {Variable.CustomVar} will retrieve the value stored in the Interaction Variable name: CustomVar.
A Simple Example to configure the 'Set Interaction Data' activity in PopFlow Studio.
- Select the 'Set Interaction Data' activity from 'Activity Sidebar'.
- Click on 'Set Interaction Data' activity to open and configure the 'Set Interaction Data' activity.
- Enter the property name inside the 'Property' field. This property name can be used in the same workflow as well as in the other events workflows.
- Enter the 'property' value inside the 'Enter Value' field. A simple example is shown in below pic.
- Once the configuration of 'Set Interaction Data' is completed then you can use the variable name in any events workflow.
- Suppose we have an active interaction, So 'On Answer' event we are posting some interaction data into the interaction table. But data like 'Hold time','End time', call duration' etc cannot be calculated at the time of 'On Answer' event so this type of data can be calculated and posted into the interaction table when the call ends i.e. on the 'On End' event. so 'On End' event we will be using 'Update data' activity but 'Update data' activity requires the 'id' to update the interaction table.
- At the time of posting the data on 'On Answer' event, we will use the 'Post Data' activity result value to set the id using the 'Set Interaction Data' activity and later will use this 'Id' to update the remaining field in the 'On End' event.
- To configure the 'Post Data' and 'Update Data' please refer to their documents.
- After configuration the 'On Answer' Event, it will look like as shown below.
- On the success of 'Post Data' activity, we are setting the 'Id' using 'Set Interaction Data'.
- Configuration of 'Set Interaction Data' in 'On Answer' event as shown below.
- We are setting the value of 'Id' into the 'om_InterationId' variable.
- After setting the 'Id' we will use the 'om_InterationId' variable to update the 'Interaction table'.
- Configuration of the 'On End' event is shown below.
- You can see the highlighted area in the above picture we have used the variable name which we have set on the 'On Answer' event.
Interaction Variables:
- You can set the multiples values using the single 'Set Interaction Data' activity.
- To set multiple values click on the 'Interaction variables' button. After clicking on the button it will add a panel with the 'Property' and 'Enter Value' fields as shown below.
- You can also delete the panel by clicking on the red delete button.
, multiple selections available,
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