Contact Card V2
- The 'Contact Card' activity allows you to show the Contact name of the caller or any other Information in the 'Oracle Service Cloud'.If the contact is not available then you can show 'UNKNOWN' or anything else as the Heading.
- After opening the 'Contact Card' activity, you will get the below configuration panel.
Default Configuration Parameters:
- Heading : This is a required field. You can add caller name or any other information to display.
- Sub-Heading: This field is optional. You can show any custom message or any information related to the active interaction.
A Simple Example to configure the 'Contact Card' V2 activity in PopFlow Studio.
- Select the 'Contact Card' activity from 'Activity Sidebar'.
- Click on 'Contact Card' activity to open and configure the 'Contact Card' activity.
- Enter the 'Name or some other details' inside the 'Heading' field which you want to display on the 'Oracle Service Cloud'.
- Enter the 'custom message or other details' inside the 'Sub-Heading' field which you want to display on the 'Oracle Service Cloud'.This field is optional if you left it blank it will still work.
- For example, If we have an incoming call, then we will use the 'Get Data' activity for getting the contact information based on the caller phone number and will display the name of the caller in the 'Oracle Service Cloud'. If we didn't find any contact then we will display the 'UNKNOWN' as a Heading.
- To configure the 'Get Data' activity please refer to the 'Get Data' documentation to configure the activity.
- On 'SINGLE' and 'NO MATCH' button we will be using 'Contact Card' activity as shown below.
- On the 'SINGLE' button, we will show the caller name as a heading and some custom message as a Sub-Heading in the 'Oracle Service Cloud'. The configuration of the 'Contact Card' activity on the 'SINGLE' match button is shown below.
- NOTE that when using the Interaction Variable’s value within other Activity logic, the variable will be contained by curly braces.
After executing the workflow below Changes will be shown in the Oracle service cloud.
- If the contact is already created with the caller phone number. Then the below changes will be shown.
- The Name of customer i.e. Heading field.
- Custom message for the agents. i.e. Sub-Heading field.
, multiple selections available,
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