The final example of each group, Load Balancer with End to End Encryption, is the preferred deployment model for all cloud components. However, there are times when one of the other supported models can be used depending on customer requirements or legacy deployment limitations.
Pre 6.5 - Config Server
Must be non standard ports regardless of use of a Load Balancer since Config Server hosts multiple service ports. End to End Encryption for the Service Bus requires the port to be the same on the Load Balancer and Config Server.
6.5+ Config Server
Config Server still requires port 7443 to be available for all SSL scenarios. Even if 443 is used for most connections, popflow still requires access to Config Server over port 7443.
Allows use of standard or non standard ports for all configurations. End to End Encryption requires the port to be the same on the Load Balancer and HIS if the Load Balancer is present.
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