The 'Pop Search and Select' activity allows you to show the results grid in a custom popup inside Oracle Service Cloud. You can select a particular row of data and/or click on a configured button.

After clicking on the button PopFlow can then act on the selection using the 'Pop Search and select' activity. 

In the PopFlow Studio, you can configure the 'Pop Search and Select' activity.

Default Configuration Parameters:

Add Button allows you to add buttons to the popup. When the button is clicked, the activities defined in the button definition will be executed.

Add Search Selection allows you to add searches to the popup. When the search type is selected, and the search button is clicked the activities defined in the search selection definition will be executed.


A Simple Example to configure the 'Pop Search and Select' activity in PopFlow Studio.






Columns To Show


Adding Buttons: 


Adding Search Options:

 Configuration Parameters:-

  1. Search Name: The type of search to perform. This can be any text that describes the search to be performed.
  2. Default Value:  The default search text to display in the popup for the given search type. This field is optional.
  3. Column To Show: please refer to the 'Column to show' section above. This is Optional.


After executing the workflow below pop-up will be shown in the Oracle service cloud.


  1. The title of the popup.
  2. The Data Sources which we selected while configuring the 'Pop Search and Select'.
  3. The search field:
     a. A default value can be provided for the search text. {ANI} for example. you can search using the default value or change the value to search on.
  4. The search button:
     a. The activities in the definition (i.e. GetContact in this example) will be executed when the search button is clicked.
  5. Multiple buttons can be configured. When the button is clicked then the activities define for that button will be executed. For example, the “Notification” button could be defined to show a notification based on the selected row.
  6. The Searches which we created while configuring the 'Pop Search and Select'.
  7. You can select multiple rows by clicking on the checkbox.
  8. The Column Name of the Popup.