There is a separation between authenticating a user and retrieving the properties associated with a user, including a user’s permissions. The user’s token DOES NOT include the user’s extended information. This information must be retrieved in a separate request to the cloud manager. This request uses the token of the system or human user making the request and provides the token id of the user whose information is being requested. The Cloud Manager first determines if the requester token is authentic and valid. If the requester token is authentic and valid, the Cloud Manager then determines if the requester has the RETRIEVE_EXTENDED_INFORMATION permission. If the requester is authentic, valid, and has the correct permissions, the Cloud Manager determines if the query token is authentic and valid. If the query token is authentic and valid, the query user’s extended information is returned to the requesterreturns the extended information.
Token Renewal
When a token is issued for a user, the time it remains valid is limited. After time expires, the token is no longer valid and the user must log in again. API requests using an expired token will fail. The token expiration can be extended through renewal. This involves making a request to the Login API and providing the original token as well as the security stamp returned during the initial login. The renewal can occur any time prior to expiry. An updated token will be issued to the requester. A token owner should leave plenty of time prior to expiry to attempt to renew the token in case of network delays or temporary outages. Typically the token owner should begin the renewal process with at least a quarter of the time remaining.
Token Leasing
For APIs that receive multiple requests from the same client in quick succession, the process of validating the client’s token can get very expensive and would produce significant traffic directed at the authentication service. To avoid this situation, a service can choose to lease a token’s validation result. Part of the user’s extended information is values related to token leasing. These values represent the length of time a previous validation can be used to service the request without having to revalidate the token.