The agent clicks the Deactivate All Channels button located at the top of the channel group display screen
MediaBar sends the channelgroup.request.deactivateall request including any applicable channel options. See the Client Connectivity documentation for details about the request and its contents
For each channel
Decision 1: HIS checks to see if the Agent has any ongoing interactions on the channel
If an interaction is found, this flow ends and EF 1 - Ongoing Interaction is executed
Decision 2: HIS checks to see if the Agent is in the Ready state for the channel
If the agent is Ready, this flow pauses and the server portion of Go Not Ready is executed
If an error occurs during Go Not Ready, this flow ends and EF 2 - Not Ready Failure is executed
HIS deactivates the channel and the state of the channel is updated and generates the appropriate events
One or more channels could have been deactivated prior to the error. They will remain deactivated
The channel that generated the error during deactivation will remain inactiveactive
The ongoing interaction is unaffected by the deactivation attempt
Any channels in the list after the channel that generated the error will remain active
One or more channels could have been deactivated prior to the error. They will remain deactivated
The channel that generated the error during deactivation will remain inactiveactive
The channel that generated the error will remain in the Ready state
Any channels in the list after the channel that generated the error will remain active